Welcome to FINO Lab!

We are an experimental condensed matter physics group in the Department of Physics at Auburn University focused on the  research in designer complex oxide thin films, interfaces, multilayers and nanostructures. Our lab in Leach Science Center is home to a state-of-the-art hybrid oxide MBE system that is attached to an x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy system to grow and characterize oxide films. In addition to our capabilities at Auburn, we collaborate with scientists around the world for access to instrumentation such as electron microscopes and synchrotron x-ray characterization.

Prospective Students and Postdocs:

We currently have an opening for a postdoctoral scholar on a Department of Energy-funded project. Application instructions are here.

Prospective graduate students wishing to work in the group are encouraged to apply through the department’s admissions process. Current Auburn undergraduate students interested in working with the group should contact Dr. Comes using the information below.

Contact Information:

Ryan Comes
Assistant Professor
Auburn University, Department of Physics

Auburn Physics Profile

LinkedIn Profile

Google Scholar Profile

ORCID Profile

Prof. Comes can be contacted by email at: [first name].[last name] [at] auburn.edu