Our lab will be starting a new project thanks to $750k in research funding from the Department of Energy EPSCoR Laboratory Partnership program in collaboration with Prof. Wencan Jin. The project focuses on the synthesis of 3d and 5d transition metal oxides for renewable energy and spintronic applications with in situ X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy during film growth. We will be working with Dr. Dillon Fong at Argonne National Lab and the Advanced Photon Source, Dr. Jurek Sadowski at Brookhaven National Lab and the NSLS-II, and Dr. Steven Spurgeon, our long-time electron microscopy collaborator at Pacific Northwest National Lab.
We will be supporting a post-doctoral scholar through this project to start in the next few months. Interested researchers should contact Dr. Comes by email. Contact info can be found under the “About” page on this website. An ad will be posted in the coming days.