I am thrilled to announce that this August, our research group, the Films, Interfaces, and Nanostructures of Oxides (FINO) Lab, will be moving to the University of Delaware Department of Materials Science and Engineering! This is a really exciting move that will allow us to expand our research and work with a fantastic interdisciplinary team…Continue Reading Lab Moving to University of Delaware Materials Science and Engineering
Computational Research on SrTaO3 Heterostructures Published in JPCM

We have a new computational paper out in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter to celebrate the start of the year, led by Sharad Mahatara and Boris Kiefer. This work looks at the prospect of interfacial charge transfer from SrTaO3 to wide bandgap stannate films, including SrSnO3 and BaSnO3. SrTaO3 is a powerful electronic donor across interfaces due to…Continue Reading Computational Research on SrTaO3 Heterostructures Published in JPCM
Collaborative Paper on Ga2O3 Films Published in Applied Physics Letters

A collaborative paper led by Arka Sardar in Prof. Sarit Dhar’s group is out in Applied Physics Letters. This work focuses on ion implantation of Si into Ga2O3 films grown by molecular beam epitaxy at Air Force Research Lab. The results showed that by performing ion implantation at high temperatures defects in the films could…Continue Reading Collaborative Paper on Ga2O3 Films Published in Applied Physics Letters
FINO Lab Receives DOE Laboratory Partnership Funding

Our lab will be starting a new project thanks to $750k in research funding from the Department of Energy EPSCoR Laboratory Partnership program in collaboration with Prof. Wencan Jin. The project focuses on the synthesis of 3d and 5d transition metal oxides for renewable energy and spintronic applications with in situ X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy…Continue Reading FINO Lab Receives DOE Laboratory Partnership Funding
Dr. Comes Co-Organizing International Workshop on Oxide Electronics

Dr. Comes is co-organizing the 28th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics with Profs. Menka Jain (University of Connecticut), Divine Kumah (North Carolina State University), and Charles Ahn (Yale University). The IWOE will be held in Portland, Maine from October 2nd to October 5th at the Westin Portland Harborview. “The International Workshop on Oxide Electronics series…Continue Reading Dr. Comes Co-Organizing International Workshop on Oxide Electronics
Paper on Pd3Bi2Se2 Epitaxial Films Published in APL Materials
Our collaborative paper with Oak Ridge National Lab has been published in APL Materials. This work focuses on the synthesis of topological parkerite films by MBE and is the first excursion of the FINO Lab into chalcogenide materials. Patrick Gemperline and Tami Isaacs-Smith performed Rutherford backscattering measurements on these samples to confirm film stoichiometry in…Continue Reading Paper on Pd3Bi2Se2 Epitaxial Films Published in APL Materials
Paper on In Situ XPS of SrTiO3 Films Published in JVSTA
Suresh’s paper on in situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of SrTiO3 films grown by hybrid MBE has been published in the Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A as an Editor’s Pick! This is the first (but not last) paper to report in situ studies of films grown by the novel hybrid MBE method that…Continue Reading Paper on In Situ XPS of SrTiO3 Films Published in JVSTA
Collaborative Paper on Fe2TiO4 Thin Films Published
Our collaborative paper led by Dr. Tiffany Kaspar of Pacific Northwest National Lab has been published in the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter! Rajendra Paudel in our group and Tami Isaacs-Smith in the Auburn accelerator lab performed Rutherford back scattering analysis on the films to support the work. These interesting spinel oxides are good candidates…Continue Reading Collaborative Paper on Fe2TiO4 Thin Films Published
Dr. Comes Wins NSF CAREER Award
The lab got good news on a new research project, as Dr. Comes was awarded an NSF CAREER award from the Division of Materials Research. The 5 year grant provides $650k in research funding to pursue studies of oxide interfaces and superlattices in 4d and 5d systems grown by hybrid molecular beam epitaxy. You can…Continue Reading Dr. Comes Wins NSF CAREER Award
X-ray Diffraction System Installed
Our new Rigaku SmartLab XRD supported by an NSF Major Research Instrumentation grant was delivered in January and installed in the Chemistry building over the past two weeks. The FINO Lab and our collaborators in the Farnum group have each collected data on the system and now will be going through remote applications training on…Continue Reading X-ray Diffraction System Installed